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THe Last Snag's Blog
What Netflix's Avatar can learn from
This post is mainly for Netflix and film studio's thinking about rebooting the live-action franchise, but also to give hope and closure...
Why sign up to be a TLS member?
ere is a short list of reasons why. Keep in mind as the website continues to grow and more features are added, the list will grow and...
Welcome New TLS Members!!! (#1)
Below are the newest members that have signed up in the TLS forum. I want to give them a warm welcome by posting their names here. -...
What if...
So I will also keep this post short and brief, but I am frustrated that the creators left Netflix and everyone is trying to use avatar to...
Why I HATE fake fans!!
So I'll keep this post brief. This post will be short, but sharp and concise as I am upset with some social media sites. Avatar has...
NEW 0.0.4 aka "APPA" update Arrives!
Other than the creation of our website, "Appa" is by far our largest site update to date! Visual Makeovers, New Content, Organized...
Youtube Content Coming Soon!
Flameo hotmen and hotwomen! Marcel here. For those who don't know, I'm Dan's partner and co-writer on this project and I thought it was...
How To Redeem The Last Airbender Movie - 2) Characters
In part 2 I discuss the issues with the characters in the film, not the actors who played them. I talk about what they lacked compared to...
How To Redeem The Last Airbender movie- 1) Plot
This is the beginning or Part 1 of this blog series. In it, I address the issues with the story-line of the film and provide perfect...
Why Avatar is the 5th Greatest story of the century
Table of Contents- 1- Intro 2 - Symbolism 3 - Writing 4 - TBD 5 - TBD 6 - TBD < Intro > Many great stories defy the 'forgetful effect' of...
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